Fiield 1 Evaluation

Early Saturday (1/9) morning, the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue conducted a 24-hour pack evaluation and fitness test. The 24-hour pack is the gear each searcher carries on their search and rescue missions. It is a combination of equipment, gear, water, supplies and additional items necessary to survive in the field for 24. A.10–2 POST Field Training Program Guide – Volume 1 A.10 Field Training Officer (FTO) Critique Form DATE: Page 2 of 2 Trainee (Last, First MI) Badge / ID This critique is for Field Training Officer Badge / ID PART B. FTO EVALUATION continued 9. Describe the FTO’s method of critiquing your performance (verbally or in writing). – 1 (Civilian Institution Academic Evaluation Report), and DA Form 1059 – 2 to indicate if a Soldier did or did not adhere to the Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention, Equal Opportunity, and Equal. POST Field Training Program Guide – Volume 1 A.10 Field Training Officer (FTO) Critique Form DATE: Page 2 of 2 Trainee (Last, First MI) Badge / ID This critique is for Field Training Officer Badge / ID PART B. FTO EVALUATION continued 9. Describe the FTO’s method of critiquing your performance (verbally or in writing). Describe other educational or skill training experiences offered at your placement. Describe, in general, your interactions with colleagues; other trainees, counselors, and office personnel. On a scale of 1-10, where would you place this experience, for the benefit of other.

Performance reviews are an important feature in any organization since it determines the future growth of an employee. Performance review examples help in guiding people responsible for drafting performance evaluations to effectively appraise an individual and draft their assessments.

Annual appraisals can be a time of great strain not only on the employee whose growth in the organization is determined by the review he or she is given by his or her superiors, but also for the people responsible for ensuring proper performance appraisals. Drafting a copy of the review to ensure that feedback can be given to the employee so as to encourage him or her to perform better is important. It is generally the human resource department that is responsible for drafting and conducting performance reviews, along with the employee’s reporting authority. While some companies ask the employee being evaluated to fill up self-evaluation forms as well, most companies conduct the annual appraisal solely based on a superior’s judgment of the employee and his performance in the company. While verbal appraisals can be easy, it is a bit of a task to draft written performance appraisals in order to share it with the employee. This is where performance review examples come into the picture. Sample performance evaluation comments help people responsible for phrasing performance reviews by giving them an insight into how to draft evaluation comments.

Performance Review Examples: Criteria and Phrases for Reviews

Performance review examples and phrases need to be written in such a manner that while expressing authority, they do not have a domineering tone and maintain a tone that is both formal and casual. It is important to highlight the positive ways in which the employee has contributed to the company. Reviews of employee performance are important for attitude development, proper communication, improving employee motivation, organizational targets, and ensuring that positive relations are maintained between the employees and the management. Effective performance review tips need to be kept in mind while drafting a proper appraisal. You can use the following sample appraisals that can aid you in the process.


Performance appraisals focus on many different aspects of a professional environment. Examples of a performance review which determine the professional attitude of an employee are given below.

  • Is brilliant at developing professional relationships with people who would benefit the company and contribute to the organization’s growth.
  • His behavior with his fellow employees is extremely professional which also reflects in his attitude towards his work.
  • Always works towards gathering proper information about various matters related to his job to enable him to stay attuned to the needs of the company

Communication Skills

Proper communication forms the basis of any workplace and it is of utmost importance that an individual has good communication skills, both verbal and written. Given below are some performance appraisal phrases that you can use while reviewing an employee’s abilities of communicating.

  • A good listener who has excellent communication skills and uses them effectively to advise his team members about any problem they may face
  • Has the ability to frankly communicate with colleagues and team members without being authoritative.
  • His ability to give proper feedback to the members in his team has gained him their respect and helped him nip several probable problems in the bud.


One of the foremost qualities that an employee with high aspirations must possess is leadership and the ability to manage a team. These are also qualities that most companies tend to look out for.

  • A natural leader who commands the respect of his team members by according to them the same amount of respect.
  • Successfully raises team spirit by constantly appreciating contributions made by members of the team that has enabled the organization to achieve better targets.
  • Being approachable, his team members are at ease in case they have to consult him about any problem, which has improved intra-team relationships. This has also helped improve team productivity.
  • He leads by inspiration and instills a sense of confidence in fellow team members.

Stress Management

One of the most common causes of attrition in professional settings today is burn out or stress. In such a scenario, it becomes important that employees are able to manage the stress that the work brings along with it.

  • Is very good at coping with stressful situations and also coming up with suitable solutions with minimal assistance.
  • Sets a good example by ensuring that he never loses his composure even in the most stressful of situations.
  • Is capable of thinking of innovative solutions to cope with crisis situations.

Time Management


Most companies lay a lot of stress on punctuality and the ability to manage the time that you have to achieve targets.

  • Is an example to others where punctuality and coming in to work on time is concerned. This has inspired his team and bettered the targets achieved by the team.
  • Ensures that the team he is in charge of maintains their break schedule and stays within the timings maintained by the company.
  • Has displayed very good time management skills and has an innate ability to cope with all the work allotted to him within a specified time.

Well drafted performance evaluations with proper review phrases are a reflection of the professionalism of not only the company but also of the person drafting the evaluations. In order to ensure that the appraisals do not come across as informal, it is always a good idea to refer to employee review examples that will enable you to draft them well.

Performance Review

Employee: Ross, Jason
Job Title: New Business Representative
Job Code: 124552-654
Review period start: 12/1/11
Review period end: 12/31/12
Reviewer: Richard Brown


Communications 3.20 Meets requirements
Jason displays very good verbal skills, communicating clearly and concisely. He exhibits good listening skills and comprehends complex matters well. His written communications skills meet the requirements of his position, and he keeps others adequately informed. However, Jason occasionally selects inappropriate methods of communication.

Managing People 3.33 Meets requirements
Jason provides clear direction and has little problem gaining compliance from others. He provides consistent, valuable performance feedback, and he dedicates considerable effort to developing the skills of his subordinates. Jason includes subordinates in most planning, and he takes responsibility for his subordinates’ activities. However, there have been times when he did not make himself available enough to subordinates.

Leadership 2.40 Needs improvement
Jason quickly assumes a strong leadership role when action is needed. He influences others to perform better. However, he would be a stronger leader if he exhibited greater confidence in himself as well as in others. Upon occasion, his actions have resulted in a lack of respect and trust from others. Jason has reacted poorly in pressure situations.

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Teamwork 4.40 Exceeds requirements
Jason gives candid, constructive feedback to team members and, in turn, actively requests feedback from them. He is a leader in building a strong team spirit and identity. All his actions are directed toward the success of the team over his own interests. He exhibits a high degree of openness and objectivity to the views of others. Jason has been able to balance the needs of the team with his individual responsibilities.

Field Evaluation Body

Recruitment & Staffing 3.40 Meets requirements
Jason successfully utilizes the recruitment sources available to him . His analysis and forecasting of staffing needs are accurate and effective. For the most part, he exhibits good interviewing skills and techniques. As he interviews candidates, he usually offers a positive yet realistic view of the organization. His selection decisions generally result in successful hires.

Delegation 2.60 Meets requirements
Jason actively uses delegation to better manage the workload of his organization. He usually assigns tasks to people based on their skills, experience, strengths, and limitations. However, his subordinates are too often not given the adequate authority and independence to carry out the responsibilities his has delegated to them. When Jason delegates work, he needs to be clearer in defining expectations and then to monitor those activities regularly. Further, he sometimes does not adequately recognize or give credit to people for the results of work he has delegated.


Goal: Improve Time Management
Category: Time Management
Description: Try to schedule all of your appointment in the contact management program and keep it updated.
Measurement: Weekly printout of contact manager’s calendar.
Goal result: Improved, but I have found some instances where Jason is out of the office but there is not entry in the contact manager.
Rating: 3


When Jason and I set goals last spring, we did not expect the reorganization. It really changed our priorities so there was not much time to devote to some of the special projects. Instead we got many new projects. Jason played an important role as a team member in selecting the new payroll vendor and in reviewing our procedures during the audit.

Plans for Improvement:

Learn to trust members of your staff by letting them successfully complete delegated tasks and prove themselves.

Macro Field Evaluation

I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my manager. My signature means that I have been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily imply that I agree with the evaluation.

Employee Signature ________________________ Date ___________

Level 1 Evaluation

Manager Signature _________________________ Date ___________